24 July 2011 2 images Share: , ,
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SASSIN Laura Isabella -1931 SWANEPOEL Gloria REINACH Herman Adolph -1931 REINACH Anna Sofia -1947 KLAASSEN Martha Christina -1931 VAN NIEKERK Jan Albert -1931 CRONJE Willem Hendrik Boshof -1931 CRONJE M.M.S.M. -? VAN DER SPUY Geszina C.E. -1931 MYBURGH Sarel Johannes -1931 FERRIERA Gertruida E. -1931 PRETORIUS Daniel Jacobus Louis -1931 BURGER Frans Johannes -1931 STRAUSS A.F.-1933 ANDREW Jessie -1932 DE KLERK Davis Nicolaas -1932 JACOBS Jan J. -1932 RAVENSCROFT James -1933 ERASMUS David Jacobus -1933 FOSTER J.H. -1934 ACKERMANN John Christoffel -1933

01. Children's grave
01. Children's grave
02. Handwritten list of Children Graves
02. Handwritten list of Children Graves