Free State, LADYBRAND district, Rural & farm cemeteries / Free State, LADYBRAND district, Leeuoog or Mount Blanc, farm cemetery / (3 of 14 images)
Cemetery / Memorials Information: The location details of the graves were not provided to us, other than the name Leeuoog. On the death notice of Peter Broli, it states that his residence was Mount Blanc district. There is a farm Leeuwoog and a farm Mount Blanc, as the crow flies, approximately 20kms northwest of Ladybrand.
Album complete at the time of photographing.
Photographs contributed by: M.C.C. Fourie
eGGSA captions by: Leeanne Blunden
The GSSA Gravestone Transcription Index (GTI) only has information on the cemetery location.
Cemetery ID: GPSID:
GPS: Unknown
contributor: M.C.C. Fourie
viewed twice