eGGSA Graves
Click on a picture below to open the section.
Unless otherwise stated in each album, assume that the pictures represent only a personal selection by the photographer. The pictures are generously donated by the various photographers.
gravesEasternCape Begraafplase in die Ooskaap : Graveyards in the Eastern Cape
gravesfreestate Graveyards in the Free State : Begraafplase in die Vrystaat
gravesgauteng Begraafplase in Gauteng : Graveyards in Gauteng
gravesKwazulu Natal Graveyards in Kwazulu-Natal : Begraafplase in Kwazulu-Natal
gravesLimpopo Begraafplase in Limpopo : Graveyards in Limpopo
gravesMpumalanga Graveyards in Mpumalanga : Begraafplase in Mpumalanga
gravesKwazulu Natal Graveyards in the Northern Cape : Begraafplase in die Noordkaap
gravesLimpopo Begraafplase in Noord Wes : Graveyards in North West Province
gravesMpumalanga Begraafplase in die Weskaap : Graveyards in the Western Cape
Graves unknow location

Location unknown

Unknown location
gravesLimpopo South Africans buried outside South Africa : Suid-Afrikaners buite Suid-Afrika begrawe

This collection of gravestone photographs has been transferred from its old, no longer supported, database. Should you encounter any problems or errors, please let us know by contacting the web manager, Richard Ball, with a link to the problem page. 

We are aware that a number of the photographs are sideways on. These will be corrected in due course.

eGGSA itself does not organise the photography of cemeteries and graveyards - we accept donated photographs for display in this section of our web site. If you would like to contribute photographs of South African graves, please contact either Riana le Roux who manages this section; or Richard Ball, web services.

We have captioned the pictures with names and dates as they appear on the gravestones. If a typo error has been made with the names please contact George Crewe

Remember, though, if you stop to photograph some graves yourself, you could be providing a service to posterity if you take the extra time to photograph all the graves and make an accurate note of the location of the graveyard. Tomorrow those gravestones may no longer be there.

Here is some advice on Photographing Gravestones.

The Genealogical Society of South Africa (parent body of eGGSA) runs the Cemetery Recording Project whose aim is the systematic recording of gravestone inscriptions in South Africa and there are also a number of local initiatives by other branches of the GSSA. We photograph these gravestones and make them available on our web site firstly because they are a valuable record of the details of many people, now gone, often preserved nowhere else and secondly in order to preserve them, at least as a photograph, since they are subject to weathering over the years. And so many graveyards are now being cleared for re-use, or vandalised, robbed and the gravestones destroyed - we wish to record these for posterity. We see our photo project as an extension and preservation of the monuments in the grave yards all over South Africa. No disrespect is intended and we see our project as honouring those who have gone before us by preserving their memory.