Begraafplase in Ooskaap / Graveyards in Eastern Cape
Unless otherwise stated in each album, assume that the pictures represent only a personal selection by the photographer.
Afrikaans surnames have been filed under the main part of the surname, ie. RENSBURG, Jansen van :: PLESSIS, du.

Eastern Cape, ABERDEEN, Urban area
Aberdeen falls under the magisterial district Aberdeen, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, ADDO, Urban area
Addo falls under the magisterial district Kirkwood, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, ADELAIDE, Urban area
Adelaide falls under the magisterial district Adelaide, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, ALEXANDRIA, Urban area
Alexandria falls under the magisterial district Alexandria, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern...

Eastern Cape, ALICE, Urban area
Alice falls under the magisterial district Victoria East, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, ALICEDALE, Urban area
Alicedale falls under the magisterial district Albany, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, ALIWAL-NORTH / MALETSWAI, Urban area
Aliwal-North falls under the magisterial district ALIWAL-NORTH, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern...

Eastern Cape, BALFOUR, Urban area
Balfour falls under the magisterial district Mpofu, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape, MPOFU...

Eastern Cape, BARKLY EAST, Urban area
Barkly East falls under the magisterial district Barkly East, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern...

Eastern Cape, BATHURST, Urban area
Bathurst falls under the magisterial district BATHURST, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, BEDFORD, Urban area
Bedford falls under the magisterial district BEDFORD, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, BOESMANSRIVIERMOND, Urban area
Boesmansriviermond falls under the magisterial district Alexandria, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:-...

Eastern Cape, BURGERSDORP, Urban area
Burgersdorp falls under the magisterial district Albert, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, BUTTERWORTH, Urban area
Butterworth falls under the magisterial district Gwuca, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, CALA, Urban area
Cala falls under the magisterial district TSOMO, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape, TSOMO...

Eastern Cape, CATHCART, Urban area
Cathcart falls under the magisterial district CATHCART, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, CLARKEBURY, Urban area
Clarkebury falls under the magisterial district Engcobo, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, COOKHOUSE / KOOKHUIS, Urban area
Cookhouse falls under the magisterial district of Somerset East. For farm cemeteries in the area refer to:- Eastern...

Eastern Cape, CRADOCK / NXUBA, Urban area
Cradock / Nxcuba falls under the magisterial district CRADOCK, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern...

Eastern Cape, DESPATCH, Urban area
Despatch falls under the magisterial district UITENHAGE, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, DORDRECHT, Urban area
Dordrecht falls under the magisterial district Wodehouse. For farm cemeteries in the area refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, DUTYWA, Urban area
Dutywa falls under the magisterial district Idutywa, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape,...

Eastern Cape, EAST LONDON / OOS-LONDEN, Urban area
East London falls under the magisterial district East London, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern...