Eastern Cape, ALIWAL-NORTH / MALETSWAI, Urban area
Aliwal-North falls under the magisterial district ALIWAL-NORTH, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Eastern Cape, ALIWAL-NORTH district, Rural (farm cemeteries).

Eastern Cape, ALIWAL NORTH, British War Memorials
Cemetery information:- We have photos of all the memorials. eGGSA captions by Celeste Rachmann, Wilna Eygelaar...

Eastern Cape, ALIWAL NORTH, Concentration camp memorial
Cemetery information:- We have photos of all the memorials. eGGSA captions by Celeste Rachmann, Wilna Eygelaar...

Eastern Cape, ALIWAL NORTH, De Wet family cemetery
Cemetery information:- We have photos of all the headstones in the cemetery. eGGSA captions done by: Celeste...

Eastern Cape, ALIWAL NORTH, Durban Street cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. All the headstones were photographed in December 2010. eGGSA captions done...

Eastern Cape, ALIWAL NORTH, New municipal cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete. eGGSA captions by: Louis Hurn, Andrié Labuschagne and Riana le...

Eastern Cape, ALIWAL NORTH, NG Gemeente, Gedenkmuur
Cemetery information:- Album complete at the time of photographing (2023). eGGSA captions by: Terry Terblanche ...

Eastern Cape, ALIWAL NORTH, Old cemetery (Orange River cemetery)
Cemetery information:- Some of the photos in this album originally appeared on Fotki and have been transferred here...

Eastern Cape, ALIWAL NORTH, St. Paul's Anglican church, Memorial Wall
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...