Eastern Cape, FORT BEAUFORT district, Aasvogel Krantz 185, Aasvoelkrans, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Nog op soek na drie enkel grafte in die die area wat uitgewys is(tans te veel gras): -...

Eastern Cape, FORT BEAUFORT district, Blinkwater Farm 125, Braeside, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Eastern Cape, FORT BEAUFORT district, Farm 182, Koonaprivier, Engelse drif, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Baie oorgroei. 10 onbekende grafte 1 grafsteen gevind van ’n dag oue onbekende kind. ...

Eastern Cape, FORT BEAUFORT district, Fort Beaufort Commanage 905, Rev. Williams's Grave
Cemetery / Memorials information:- Album complete at the time of photographing. eGGSA captions by: Fern...

Eastern Cape, FORT BEAUFORT district, Fort Fordyce State Forest, Mpofu Game Reserve, farm cemeteries
Cemetery information:- The grave photographs are from two separate cemeteries in the Mpofu Game Reserve. No...

Eastern Cape, FORT BEAUFORT district, Frisch Gewaagd 54, Balderja, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Eleanor Garvie The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Eastern Cape, FORT BEAUFORT district, Lemoen Kraal 200, Great Fish River Nature Reserve, Bothas Post, cemetery
Cemetery information:- Across the Fish River is the Knott Memorial Church and family cemetery with more KNOTT graves....

Eastern Cape, FORT BEAUFORT district, Lower Blinkwater, Glenthorn 102, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Eileen de Jager & Fern Swales The GGSA Cemetery...