CAMPBELL Charles Collins -1822 :: CAMPBELL Catherine -1829

Information provided by Rob and Liz Edwards: CAMPBELL Charles Collins, former Commander of the Forces in Newfoundland 1813-1816. baptized 25.03.1762 Independent 1820 settler to SA. Sailed on 'Salisbury'. Died from injuries received from falling off his horse at Barville Park (near Port Alfred). Buried in Grahamstown's Old Military Cemetery with his daughter Catherine. Married 3 times. Divorced Harriet FRASER in 1796 and was granted 3000 Pounds damage. [See Parliamentary Archives (UK) HL/PO/JO/10/7/1080 and 1081; and HL/PO/PB/1/1799/39G3n238. (Note HL stands for House of Lords)] Source of Data
contributed by: Rob and Liz Edwards
viewed 889 times
CAMPBELL Charles Collins -1822 :: CAMPBELL Catherine -1829