PEACOCKE James -1819 :: McDONALD Alexander -1819

In memeory of Sgt James PEACOCKE and Pte Alexander Mc DONALD of the 72nd Regiment of Foot (Seaforth Highlanders) killed in action on 3rd February 1819 at DE BRUYN's Drift during the 5th Frontier War. Captain GETHIN, of the 72nd Regiment, left his post at De Bruyn’s Drift to investigate a report of stolen cattle and the murder of yet another herder, only to find himself and his men surrounded by Xhosa soldiers, who slaughtered them. Gethin’s body was found with thirty spear wounds in it. Two other (PEACOCKE & McDONALD) died in this attack and the amaXhosa made off with their horses, arms and ammunition. Erected by the S.A. War Graves Board 1978.
contributed by: Marielle Ford
viewed 647 times
PEACOCKE James -1819 :: McDONALD Alexander -1819