Mother Valerie -1991

Mother Valerie was born in the Province of Cordoba, Argentine. Bother her parents were English, and her childhood was spent on a large cattle ranch in Argentina. She was an excellent horsewoman. She was educated at St Hilda’s College on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, and upon completion of her education worked as a Bilingual English/Spanish Secretary in Buenos Aires, Madrid and Rhodesia. She was made a Novice of the Community in 1962 and in 1964 she joined the Grahamstown Training College Staff as House Sister of Canterbury House. In January 1982 she was elected as the seventh Superior of the Community of the Resurrection of Our Lord. She was a woman of strong character and was also far sighted in practical matters. It was during her superiorship that the Community Chapel was finally established in St Luke’s (the Infirmary) thus making it possible for all Sisters from the different Houses, and the elderly and infirm from St Luke’s, to meet together for daily Offices and the Eucharist. She had a deep sense of her responsibilities as Superior and never spared herself in keeping in touch with the various Houses in Grahamstown and in spending time with the sick for whose comfort she always had a deep concern. Sister had a great love for all animals, and her little dog Zola gave her much joy and pleasure right to the end of her life. Sister was artistic and particularly good at caricatures, amusing herself at Synod Gatherings during long debates drawing interesting characters who were present there. She died suddenly and peacefully on the evening of May 25th 1991. (source:
contributed by: Carol Beneke
viewed 143 times
Mother Valerie -1991