Free State, BETHLEHEM, Muller Street, Cemetery
Cemetery information:- The Muller Street Cemetery was quite a mix. There were mostly Afrikaans names, but there were about eight rows that had British soldiers from the Anglo-Boer War. (Gina Shepherd)
Photographs by Derek Walker, Alta Roux, John Schwartz, Don Mitchley, Willeen Olivier, Barnard Smit, Gina Shepherd, John Schwartz, M.C.C. Fourie
eGGSA captions by Annatjie Erasmus, Alta Griffiths, Ken & Eleanor Garvie, Lorraine Beechey, Magda Alberts, Dal Good & Riana le Roux.
Information also available on the GGSA Cemetery DVD:- Cemetery ID: 2205 Names in cemetery: 1085 Google Earth Project Information:- GPSID: 2593 GPS: -28 14.037, 28 18.002