Free State, CLOCOLAN district, Unknown farm cemetery, possibly Leonard, Caledonsdraai
Cemetery / Memorials Information:
The death notice of KRITZINGER Johanna E.S. nee OLIVIER indicates she was buried on the farm Caledonsdraai. We do not have the exact location, but have reason to believe it is Caledonsdraai, on the old farm Leonard, on the banks of the Caledon River (border between Lesotho and South Africa)
Album completeness unknown.
Photographs contributed by: MCC Fourie
eGGSA captions by: Lizelle Olivier
The GSSA Gravestone Transcription Index (GTI) only has information on the cemetery location.
Cemetery ID: GPSID:
GPS of Caledonsdraai farm: -29 02.549, 27 38.790