Free State, CLOCOLAN district, Rural (farm cemeteries) / Free State, CLOCOLAN district, Lucretia 188, farm cemetery / (6 of 7 images)
Cemetery / Memorials Information:
These photos were submitted as Lucretia, Clocolan district. The GPS below is where the farm was found on a map. We are not sure if the graves are in fact located on this farm.
Album complete at the time of photographing.
Photographs contributed by: MCC Fourie
eGGSA captions by: Nadine Gindra
The GSSA Gravestone Transcription Index (GTI) only has information on the cemetery location.
Cemetery ID: GPSID:
GPS of farm: -28 53.354, 27 31.973
SWANEPOEL Jan Harm 1865-1910
contributor: M.C.C. Fourie
viewed 4 times