Free State, MARQUARD, Urban area

07 June 2021 4 albums Share: , ,
Marquard falls under the magisterial district Marquard, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Free State, MARQUARD district, Rural (farm cemeteries).
Free State, MARQUARD, Hamilton Street, New Main cemetery

Free State, MARQUARD, Hamilton Street, New Main cemetery

Cemetery information:- Due to the fact that there are three cemeteries very close to each other, there is a real...

Free State, MARQUARD, NG Gemeente Marquard, Gedenkmuur

Free State, MARQUARD, NG Gemeente Marquard, Gedenkmuur

Free State, MARQUARD, Old historic cemetery next to the R707 road

Free State, MARQUARD, Old historic cemetery next to the R707 road

Cemetery information:- Due to the fact that there are three cemeteries very close to each other, there is a real...

Free State, MARQUARD, Old Main cemetery, Entrance between Hamilton & Kruger Streets

Free State, MARQUARD, Old Main cemetery, Entrance between Hamilton & Kruger Streets

Cemetery information:- Due to the fact that there are three cemeteries very close to each other, there is a real...