Free State, VREDEFORT, Urban area / Free State, VREDEFORT, Main cemetery / (3 of 3 images)
cemetery information:- Album complete, all the graves were photographed by Gwynneth Thomas. eGGSA captions by Andrié Labuschagne, Annatjie Erasmus. Information also available on the GGSA Cemetery DVD:- Cemetery ID: 2561 Names in cemetery: 1193 Google Earth Project Information:- GPSID: 3091 GPS: -27 00.000, 27 21.850
3. Anglo Boer War 1899-1902
SWART Dirk H. -1902
HEIDE Emil J.A., v.d. -1900
DU PLESSIS Johannes J. -1900
V.D. WESTHUIZEN Jan. N. -1900
DE LANGE Adriaan -1900
BURGERS David J. -1901
CRONJE - 1901
DE LANGE Adriaan -1900
LE GRANGE Jacobus A.P. -1900
contributed by: GGSA North West
viewed 1106 times