Gauteng, ALBERTON, Urban area
Alberton falls under the magisterial district Alberton, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Gauteng, ALBERTON district, Rural (farm cemeteries). NB. Alberton's Kromvlei cemetery are situated in the VEREENIGING district.

Gauteng, ALBERTON, 9th Avenue Traffic Circle, Voortrekker graves
Cemetery information:- A person who wishes to stay anonymous also sent in photographs of this little cemetery, with...

Gauteng, ALBERTON, Alberton Methodist Church, Wall of Remembrance
Cemetery information:- Still in use. Album complete at the time of photographing in September 2024.

Gauteng, ALBERTON, Fick Road, cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions done by Alex van Niekerk, Wilna Eygelaar & Lisa Botes....

Gauteng, ALBERTON, Florentia, Main cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete, photographs were taken of all the headstones at the time. Photographs...

Gauteng, ALBERTON, Florentia, St. Therese Catholic Church, Wall of Remembrance
Cemetery information:- Fick Road, Florentia, Alberton Album complete at the time of photographing. eGGSA...

Gauteng, ALBERTON, Maronite Catholic Church, memorial
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson & Alex van Niekerk The GGSA...

Gauteng, ALBERTON, Newmarket Mall, Hennenman Memorial
Information:- This memorial commemorates those who perished in the Hennenman Air disaster. On Tuesday 12 April 1988...

Gauteng, ALBERTON, NG Kerk Alberton-Wes, Memorial Wall
Cemetery information:- Album complete, as at Oct 2011. eGGSA captions by: Arlene Leggat & Alex van...