Gauteng, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT, Urban area
Bronkhorstspruit falls under the magisterial district Bronkhorstspruit, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:-
Gauteng, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT district, Rural (farm cemeteries).

Gauteng, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT, Cultura Park, Nan Hua Temple, Buddhist cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete at the time of photographing. eGGSA captions by: Alta Griffiths The GGSA...

Gauteng, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT, Hoërskool Erasmus, cemetery_1
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions done by: Annatjie Erasmus & Alex van Niekerk Information...

Gauteng, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT, Hoërskool Erasmus, cemetery_2
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions done by: Annatjie Erasmus & Alex van Niekerk ...