Gauteng, BOKSBURG, Urban area
Boksburg falls under the magisterial district Boksburg, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Gauteng, BOKSBURG district, Rural (farm cemeteries).

Gauteng, BOKSBURG, Heidelberg Road, Cambrian cemetery
Cemetery information:- PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION (Jan 2021)- still adding photographs. Album incomplete, although...

Gauteng, BOKSBURG, Libradene, Parkrand NG kerk, Muur van Herinnering
Cemetery information:- Andrews Street, Libradene Album Complete at the time of photographing. eGGSA...

Gauteng, BOKSBURG, Main cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, we do not have photographs of all the headstones. However, the South East...

Gauteng, BOKSBURG, Old cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete. eGGSA captions by: Lorraine Beechey, Wilna Eygelaar, James Anderson,...