Gauteng, HEIDELBERG, Kloof, old cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete, all the headstones were photographed.
eGGSA captions by Dal Good, Esme van der Westhuizen, Alta Griffiths, Terry Terblanche, Louis Hurn, Lorraine Beechey, Alex van Niekerk, Annel Meyer & Riana le Roux.
Additional cemetery information available on the GGSA Cemetery DVD. CemID: 190 * Cemetery (head stones): 525 names * Municipal register: 1686 names
Google Earth Project Information:- GPSID: 190 GPS: -26 29.718, 28 20.782

1. Memorial - Heidelberg Konsentrasiekampsterftes - Concentration Camp deaths
Pictures of name plaques erected at Heidelberg Kloof Cem, possibly to commemorate the concentration camp deaths from...