Gauteng, PRETORIA, Urban area / Gauteng, PRETORIA, Voortrekkerhoogte / Thaba Tshwane / Gauteng, Pretoria, THABA TSHWANE, New Military cemetery / (7 of 7 images)
Cemetery information:- Album completeness to be established.
eGGSA captions by: Heleen Nel, Lorraine Beechey, Celeste Rachmann, Esmé van der Westhuizen, Andrié Labuschagne, James Anderson, Dal Good & Risanti Saris
The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information on the location of the cemetery Cemetery ID: 2281 Google Earth Project Information:- GPSID: 2687 GPS: Not available
7. Overview / Oorsig
contributed by: Dirk van Heerden
viewed 196 times