Gauteng, VEREENIGING, Urban area / Gauteng, VEREENIGING, Jacobskop, Cemetery / (20 of 218 images)
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, we do not have photographs of all the headstones.
Photographs by Kobus Snyman, Vernon R Whittal, Fanie Blignaut, Robert McTavish, Flip de Witt, Annie Erasmus & Hennie Steyn
eGGSA captions by Eleanor Garvie, Esmé van der Westhuizen, Robert McTavish, Riana le Roux, James Anderson & Lisa Botes. The GGSA Cemetery DVD has additional information on the cemetery Cemetery ID: 2428 No of names: 18127 Google Earth Project Information:- GPSID: 2943 GPS: -26 34.343, 27 55.823
BEER Willem Hendrik Jacobus, de 1891-1940 & Maria Aletta 1896-1944 :: DE BEER Baba -1930
contributed by: Kobus Snyman
viewed 378 times