Kwazulu-Natal, BERGVILLE district, Acton Homes, Venters Lager, British War Memorial
Cemetery information:- Album complete. Additional information available on the GGSA Cemetery DVD:- Cemetery ID:...

Kwazulu-Natal, BERGVILLE district, Bergville, The River Farm, single British Military grave
Cemetery information:- According to "ln Memoriam" by Prof. Steve Watt 3945 Pte McAdam of the 14th Hussars...

Kwazulu-Natal, BERGVILLE district, Cathedral Peak Hotel, cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions done by: Sandie Williams & Alex van...

Kwazulu-Natal, BERGVILLE district, ka-Langalibalele Pass, Giants Castle, Natal Carbineers' Memorial
Cemetery information:- For those interested, the “Barrier of Spears”, a detailed book about the Drakensberg by R O...

Kwazulu-Natal, BERGVILLE district, Klipplaatsfontein 1235, Standdeel farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Dal Good & Alex van Niekerk. The GGSA Cemetery...

Kwazulu-Natal, BERGVILLE district, Mount Alice Military Memorials
Cemetery information:- This is not a cemetery, only a memorial. It commemorates the British forces during the battles...