HAARHOFF C.J. -1935 :: AUSTIN Margaret Howard -1950
Stellawood Cemetery CD 10/27/1950 Margaret H Austin 73 yrs 393 G European Female - F Hold - Ashes of 4/18...

HALES Victor Cyril -1961 & Evelene HARGREAVES -1953 :: PITCHER Hermione Mary Seaton nee HALES -1981
Stellawood Cemetery CD 5/9/1953 Evelene Hales 76 yrs 488 N European Female - Ashes of 7/11/1961 Victor...

HALKETT James Clarke 1953 :: Sidney Clarke -1962
Stellawood Cemetery CD 11/30/1953 James Clark Halkett 36 yrs 460 N European Male - 2/27/1962 Sidney...

HALL Richard 1854-1932 & Alexandra Victoria Susannah Harriet 1863-1957 :: HALL Fred Percival -1940 :: WEST John David -1953

HAMMOND James Neal -1920 & Helena -1949
Stellawood Cemetery CD 10/14/1920 James Neal Hammond 60 yrs 584 E European Male - 11/2/1949 Helena Hammond 79...

HANRATTY Edward Percy -1946 :: HANRATTY Laurel Beatrice -1964
Stellawood Cemetery CD 4/10/1946 Edward Percy Hanratty 24 yrs 877/879 Z European Male- Hold 1841 11/28/1964 Laurel...

HANSEN Maureen Dorothea nee ORTS 1924-1997 :: BYRNE Audrey Prudence nee BASSET 1890-1972
Stellawood Cemetery CD 11/14/1972 Audrey Prudence Bassett Byrne 82 yrs 1416 U European Female - 7/2/1997 Maureen...

HARBISON Matthew -1935
Stellawood Cemetery CD 3/23/1935 Matthew Harbison 62 yrs 701 O European European Male - Hold 595 Information...

HARCOURT Bruce Desmond -1950 :: HARCOURT Cyril Desmond 1920-1987
Grandad i.e. Cyril Desmond Harcourt died on 19 October 1987 and his ashes were buried on 20 January 1988 Stellawood...

HARDING Patricia -1937 :: PUGIN Louis Desire Jules -1931
Stellawood Cemetery CD 2/20/1931 Louis Desire Jules Pugin 61 yrs 209 J European Mauritian Male - 1/25/1937 Patricia...