2. Memorial: Augustine Sisters

Title of Reverend Mother: TRIDON DE REY Theresa 1831-05.11.1895 (South Africa, Natal Province, Civil Deaths, 1863-1955," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QG6P-69NH : 23 January 2019), Revd Mother Therese De Jesus or Virginie Tridon De Rey, 5 Nov 1895; Death, Estcourt, Natal, South Africa, The National Archives of South Africa (NARS), Pretoria; FHL microfilm 2,101,122) McLOUGHLIN St. Augustine (1871-22.06.1948) (South Africa, Natal Province, Civil Deaths, 1863-1955," database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:8P4C-FSPZ : 11 August 2020), Cecelia or Mother St. Augistine McLaughlin, 22 Jun 1948; Death, Estcourt, Natal, South Africa, The National Archives of South Africa (NARS), Pretoria; FHL microfilm) Title of Mother: DES ROCHES St. Anthony HUBERT Mary HUBERT M. DANIEL St. Felix LEDD St. Vincent EVENNOU St. Joseph EVENNOU St. Agnes HOGBEN Theresa Title of Sister: HENAFF St. Dosithee HENNAFF Mary FLOCH St. Catherine BURNS St. Mary Magdalene LEVY Marie Ange MATTHEW Marie RIDUAL Marhte GRANT Mary Magdalene CAMBIER St. John TURNER St. Anthony CAROLAN St. Monica JAMES Margaret Mary MONAGHAN Mary Francis PRICE St. Rita GILLES St. Mary PORTLETTE St. Philomena DESHAYS Angel St. Genevieve CARMEL Mary
contributed by: Chris and Petra Lombard
viewed 358 times
2. Memorial: Augustine Sisters