Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Colenso, Ambleside, Military cemetery
Cemetery information:- Burial site of soldiers of the 5th Irish Brigade, killed in Battle of Colenso. The Irish...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Colenso, Clouston Field of Remembrance
Cemetery information:- Clouston Garden of Remembrance was established on the koppie where Gnl Sir Redvers Buller has...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Drakensberg, Champagne Valley, Unknown farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Annatjie Erasmus & Alex van Niekerk The GGSA...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Draycott, Lot 7 Empangwene 5225 Mission_1, German cemetery
Cemetery information:- Empangwene Mission Church is located at 3310 Loskop road. Album complete. eGGSA...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Draycott, Lot 7 Empangwene 5225 Mission_2, Zulu Cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete. eGGSA captions by: Annette Meyer The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Erasmus Dam 1050, Glenisla farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Dal Good & Alex van Niekerk The GGSA Cemetery...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, ESTCOURT, British Military Memorial
Cemetery information:- Estcourt’s military cemetery was between Lambert Park cricket oval and New Weir, which in...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Frere, Bloukrans, Voortrekker Memorial
Cemetery information:- The Weenen massacre (Afrikaans: Bloukransmoorde) was the massacre of Khoikhoi, Basuto and...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Frere, Chieveley, Military Cemetery
Cemetery information:- Turn off R103 between Colenso and Estcourt and follow dirt road past railway station to...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Frere, Plessis Laager 1331, British Military Graves
Cemetery information:- Album complete, we have photographs of all the headstones in the cemetery. Photos donated by...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Frere, Plessis Laager 1331, farm cemetery
Information provided by Peter and Beverley Moss:- For many years we have been trying to take photos of the...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Frere, Rama 929, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, we do not have photographs of all the headstones. Photos donated by GGSA...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Giant's Castle, Homesdale 3981, farm cemetery _2
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete. eGGSA captions by: Peter Moss Additional information available on the...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Kamberg, St Peters Anglican Church cemetery
Cemetery information:- St. Peters was built on farmland donated by Henry LANG who also played a major role in its...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Mount Alice, Mount Alice 13465, British Military Cemetery
Cemetery information:- The Battle of Spioen Kop (Afrikaans: Slag van Spioenkop) was a military engagement between...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Mount Alice, Mount Alice 13465, Spearman family cemetery
Cemetery information:- This cemetery is located next to the British Military cemetery. See the sub-album under the...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Rensburg Koppie Voortrekker Site
Cemetery information: This was the encampment of Johannes van Rensburg, Wilhelmus Pretorius and the Harmse and...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Rensburgspruit, farm cemetery
Cemetery information: Photos were taken of all the graves. eGGSA captions done by: Alta Griffiths Information...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Willow Grange Military, cemetery
Cemetery information:- This site is about 10 km from Escourt. It is located to the left of the N3 to Johannesburg....

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Winterton, Kerkplaats 1265, Rietvlei, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Riana le Roux The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Winterton, Lindeques Laager 1039, Enon Voortrekker cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Dal Good, Eckhard von Fintel & Lorraine Beechey...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Winterton, Old Lutheran Church cemetery
Cemetery information:- Church located at 6 Bergview Drive, Winterton. Album incomplete. Overview photos only...

Kwazulu-Natal, ESTCOURT district, Winterton, Strydpoort 1136, Strydpoort, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Riana le Roux The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...