Mpumalanga, ERMELO, Boer War Memorial
Cemetery information:- Album complete, we have photos of all the panels at the memorial. eGGSA captions done by...

Mpumalanga, ERMELO, Brickyard, cemetery
Cemetery information:- This cemetery is about 5 km outside Ermelo. Album incomplete. eGGSA captions by: Andrié...

Mpumalanga, ERMELO, Burger Street 33, old cemetery
Cemetery information:- Graves behind Burger Street 33. Album complete. eGGSA captions by: James...

Mpumalanga, ERMELO, Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Ermelo-Suid, Muur van herinnering
Cemetery information:- Dr Malan Street. Album incomplete, the memorial wall is still in use. eGGSA captions by:...

Mpumalanga, ERMELO, Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Moedergemeente, Muur van herinnering
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete. eGGSA captions by: Magda Alberts, Alta Griffiths & Matthys...

Mpumalanga, ERMELO, New cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete. eGGSA captions by: Andrié Labuschagne, Anina du Plessis, Heleen Nel,...

Mpumalanga, ERMELO, NG Kerk Moedergemeente, Muur van herinnering
Cemetery information:- NG Kerk, Moedergemeente, Jan van Riebeeckstraat, Ermelo Album incomplete. eGGSA captions...