Mpumalanga, PILGRIM'S REST / PELGRIMSRUS, Urban area / Mpumalanga, PILGRIM'S REST, Main cemetery / 8. The Robber’s Grave -1873 / (1 of 5 images)
The Pilgrim's Herald - authorised medium of all goverment notices for the Pilgrim's Rest Mining District features interesting articles of the years gone by. On page 4 appears a short article regarding THE ROBBER " Date unknown - 1873 - Goldfields reporter Robber shot dead A man was banished from goldfields recently after being caught and convicted of tent robbery a considerable offence. A short time thereafter, he was seen on a hill and shot dead. He has been buried in a grave named 'Robber's Grave' and in the north - south position to brand him a thief forever. Local populace has already named the hill on where he lies Cemetery Hill." (The Pilgrim's Herald, Vol XXXV no 331, 13 December 1999) People walk up a steep hill, about 150 steps, just to go and see this grave. Notes: Alta Griffiths
1. Overview on the Robber's Grave
contributed by: Louanne Kotze
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