Mpumalanga, PILGRIM'S REST / PELGRIMSRUS, Urban area / Mpumalanga, PILGRIM'S REST, Main cemetery / 8. The Robber’s Grave -1873 / (4 of 5 images)
The Pilgrim's Herald - authorised medium of all goverment notices for the Pilgrim's Rest Mining District features interesting articles of the years gone by. On page 4 appears a short article regarding THE ROBBER " Date unknown - 1873 - Goldfields reporter Robber shot dead A man was banished from goldfields recently after being caught and convicted of tent robbery a considerable offence. A short time thereafter, he was seen on a hill and shot dead. He has been buried in a grave named 'Robber's Grave' and in the north - south position to brand him a thief forever. Local populace has already named the hill on where he lies Cemetery Hill." (The Pilgrim's Herald, Vol XXXV no 331, 13 December 1999) People walk up a steep hill, about 150 steps, just to go and see this grave. Notes: Alta Griffiths
5. The Robber's grave
When a person was found stealing from another, half of his beard was shaved and the other half of his hair. Such a person would then be banned from the town. This particular thief was shaved and banned with the words, should he ever return, he would be shot. When hunger forced him to return to the diggings, he was shot when he was first spotted. Where he fell, they buried him. When one of the other inhabitants died a couple of weeks later, he was buried close to the thief so that he at least had some company. This then was the start of the cemetery and even today you can see the grave of the robber.(
contributed by: Annatjie Tiran
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