Mpumalanga, PIET RETIEF district, Rural (farm cemeteries) / Mpumalanga, PIET RETIEF district, Moolman, Koburg Lutheran Church cemetery / (8 of 54 images)
Cemetery information provided by Eckhard von Fintel:-
Koburg was the name of the Lutheran congregation who had its church and cemetery in a small town Moolman situated between Piet Retief and Paulpietersburg. The congregation in Mpumalanga no longer exists.
The name can also be spelled Coburg, Koburg or Cobourg.
Album complete.
eGGSA captions by: Flap Bester and Risanti Saris.
The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information on the location of the cemetery
Cemetery ID: 3974
Google Earth Project Information:-
GPSID: 4715
GPS: +/- 27 09.560, 30 51.675
DEDEKIND Ernst U.W. 1881-1949
contributed by: Eckhard von Fintel
viewed 751 times