Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Avontuur 1017, Blomfontein_1, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Dit is die enigste grafte met grafstene in die spesifieke begraafplaas. Tienie Ras...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Avontuur 1017, Blomfontein_2, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Hierdie graf was in die ou begrafplaas wat verwoes was toe 'n damwal gebreek het, daar is talle...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Bloedzuigerfontein South 780, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions done by: Lorraine Beechey. Information also available...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Bloukranspas, Duikerfontein 1128_1, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Andre Crous The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Bloukranspas, Duikerfontein 1128_2, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Andre Crous The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Bokkeveldberge, Grasberg 642_1, Rietfontein, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Bokkeveldberge, Grasberg 642_2, Avontuur, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Lisa Botas The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Bokkeveldberge, Kuil, Stinkfontein 461, settlement cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Bokkeveldberge, Nieuwoudtville, R357, Roadside memorial
Memorial information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Annel Meyer The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Brakbosvlakte, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album completeness unknown. eGGSA captions by: Sue van der Berg The GGSA Cemetery DVD...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Brandkop, Rondekop 472, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Brandvlei, Zoutputs, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Alta Griffiths. The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Calvinia, Kareeboom 1131, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Annel Meyer The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, De Hoop 1015, Rooiwal, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete. There are more marked and unmarked graves, but the owner wishes to keep it...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, De Witte Vlakte 1043, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Andries Hotzhausen The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Elandsberg, Manus Zyn Dam 1089, Blouputs farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album completeness unknown. eGGSA captions by: Dal Good. The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Elandsfontein 897, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album completeness unknown. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD/...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Farm 742, Droërivier farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album completeness unknown. eGGSA captions by: Dal Good. The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Granaat Bosch Kolk 151_1, Granaatboskolk Wes, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Dal Good. The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Granaat Bosch Kolk 151_2, Granaatboskolk Oos, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Dal Good. The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Groenberg 237, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Annel Meyer & Alex van Niekerk. The GGSA...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Hantam, Groot Toren Vlakte 587, Groot Toren, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Lisa Botes The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Hantam, Groot Vlakte 586, Groot Toren, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Annel Meyer The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Hoezar-West, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete, all the headstones in the cemetery were photographed. eGGSA captions by:...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Hou-Hou 13, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Dal Good & Rob Jones The GGSA Cemetery DVD only...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Jaagers Plaats 154, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Dal Good. The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Kalkbult 1057, farm cemetery_1
Cemetery / Memorials information:- Album complete at the time of photographing. eGGSA captions by: Annel...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Kalkbult 1057, farm cemetery_2
Cemetery / Memorials information:- Album complete at the time of photographing. eGGSA captions by: Annel...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Kareebank 1146_1, Knegsbank, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Andries Holtzhausen The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Kareebank 1146_2, Kareehoutrivier, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Annel Meyer & Fern Swales The GGSA Cemetery DVD/...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Kareeboomsberg, Kareeboom 485, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Annel Meyer The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Kareeboomsberg, Vondeling 478, Gannabos, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Andre Crous The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Klaver Vlei 1020, Klawervlei, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete. There are several Brynard graves. eGGSA captions by: Andries...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Klein Brand Pens 147, Broekseputs farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Annel Meyer. The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Klipfontein 1033, Vaalhoek, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Klomp Boomen 454, Klompboom, farm cemetery
Cemetery / Memorials information:- Album complete at the time of photographing. eGGSA captions by: James...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Langberg, Driefonteinen 981, Driefontein, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Lisa Botes The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery...

Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Leeuwendrift 722, Diepdrif, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Friederike Mars The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...