Northern Cape, KENHARDT district, Groblershoop, Koegrabe 117, La Cock's Hoop, farm cemetery

09 November 2021 5 images
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Cemetery information:- Album completeness unknown. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information on the cemetery location. Cemetery ID: 6504 Google Earth Cemetery Initiative Information:- GPSID: 7779 GPS: -29 04.967, 21 47.375
1. Overview
1. Overview
BARNARD Maria Catharina nee KEEVE 1895-1984
BARNARD Maria Catharina nee KEEVE 1895-1984
COCK Jacobus Wilhelmus, la 1899-1964
COCK Jacobus Wilhelmus, la 1899-1964
COCK Jeanne, la 1971-1973
COCK Jeanne, la 1971-1973
COCK Johanna Petronella, la nee HORN 1908-1960
COCK Johanna Petronella, la nee HORN 1908-1960