begraafplase in Noordwes / graveyards in North West
Unless otherwise stated in each album, assume that the pictures represent only a personal selection by the photographer.
Afrikaans surnames have been filed under the main part of the surname, ie. RENSBURG, Jansen van :: PLESSIS, du.

North West, BAKERVILLE, Urban area
Bakerville falls under the magisterial district Lichtenburg, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- North...

North West, BLOEMHOF, Urban area
Bloemhof falls under the magisterial district Christiana, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- North West,...

North West, DERBY, Urban area
Derby falls under the magisterial district Rustenburg, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- North West,...

North West, GROOT MARICO, Urban area
Groot Marico falls under the magisterial district Marico, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- North West,...

North West, HARTBEESFONTEIN, Urban area
Hartbeesfontein falls under the magisterial district Klerksdorp, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- North...

North West, LEEUDORINGSTAD, Urban area
Leeudoringstad falls under the magisterial district Wolmaransstad, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- North...

North West, MAHIKENG / MAFIKENG, Urban area
Mahikeng falls under the magisterial district Marico, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- North West, MARICO...

North West, MAKWASSIE, Urban area
Makwassie falls under the magisterial district Wolmaransstad, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- North...

North West, POTCHEFSTROOM, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Some of the rural and farm cemeteries in the Fochville area, now fall under Merafong District in Gauteng. Please refer...