North West, RUSTENBURG district, Kroondal, Lutheran Church, cemetery

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Cemetery information:- The two churches of Kroondal, Northwest: 1. The old Evangelical Lutheran church in Kroondal - was declared as a national monument in 1980. The old church is located fairly central in the village of Kroondal and owned by the German speaking community, which originated from 11 combined landholders of the farm, named "Kroondal". Building of the first church commenced June 1895 and it was inaugurated on 24 June 1896. The architect and building supervisor of the church Karl Heyne, came from Jena, Germany. Under his supervision 40,000 bricks were made and fired by the small local community. The bricklayer was Karl Ehmke. Heyne and his craftsmen made the doors, windows and constructed the roof of the church. Wilhelm Glatthaar, of Rustenburg, built and donated the altar table and pulpit. Highly admirable about the completed project is that a small group of determined men and women achieved their goal to build a beautiful, solid church seating close to 150, despite lacking financial means and themselves, beginners with everything, even before a formal congregation was founded. Two months after the inauguration 02 August 1896, the German Evangelical Lutheran Congregation was founded with 12 members. The founding document stipulates that it will always be an Evangelical Lutheran congregation. The unmistakable "Father of the congregation" Rev. Christian Müller, since 1872 missionary of the Tswana congregation nearby, officiated as part-time pastor at the beginning. He died 15 June 1916 in Kroondal. His grave is also in the old cemetary shown on the site. 2. The new Evangelical Lutheran church in Kroondal. Building commenced 19 November 1961 and it was inaugurated on 09 December 1962, with pews seating 430, with 20 additional chairs. The architect was a Mr. Koelewyn, who sadly soon died in a car crash and was then followed up by his colleague Mr. Moors for the project. The construction was done by Mr. De Jager, Johannesburg. On the 16 th February 1962, the cornerstone of the church, with the inscription : " For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ" was laid (1 Cor 3:11). Three church bells to ring simultaneously (d-f and g) were ordered and cast by Gebrüder Rincker in Sinn, Germany mainly paid with funds collected by the youth of the congregation. In the main foyer an impressive beautiful sgraffito mural depicting "The Sower" of Matthew 13, was designed and done by the well-known artist Elly Holm assisted by her daughter Cornelia. Artful copperwork for the interior western exit to the cemetary, with the verse "To live is Christ" was done by the coppersmith Michael Fleischer, Johannesburg. The pews, pulpit and lectern are from solid Kiaat, made by Fisher in Queenstown. The amazing altar table and baptismal font are from solid granite found in the Rustenburg area and were created by Anderson, Rustenburg. The altar cloths were over months lovingly all hand embroidered with beautiful stitches, by the women of the church. The lovely brass collection boxes were made and donated by Oswald Penzhorn. The magnificent organ is a gift of the paint manufacturer factories Bayer, Leverkusen, Germany. The small crucifix was created and cut by the well-known artist Otta Flath in Bad Seegeberg, Germany. The large Cross on the interior wall of the church is Sapele-Mahogany made and donated by Ernst Penzhorn. When the building of the church was started, the congregation had about half of the funds; however, the Congregation and it's generous friends happily collected and donated and soon all the missing funds were available for the beautiful well-built new church. Finally, the gardener and Rose Nursery owner Hans Sie, donated trees for the church grounds and Gussy Behrens fenced the whole area. What was planned originally, has been achieved, a solid and practical church to the Glory of God and for the use of the congregation for many years of dedicated service to the Lord. The history of the 2 churches compiled & received fom Hilde Rudert. Album complete. eGGSA captions by Dal Good, Esmé van der Westhuizen, Erleen West, Annatjie Erasmus, Louis Hurn, Terry Terblanche, Sue van der Berg, Annette Meyer, Riana le Roux, James Aderson & Andrié Labuschagne. Additional information available on the GGSA Cemetery DVD:- Cemetery ID: 694 Number of names: 377 Google Earth Project Information:- GPSID: 694 GPS: -25 43.335, 27 18.364


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1. Kroondal Lutheran Church
1. Kroondal Lutheran Church
2. Kroondal overview
2. Kroondal overview
3. Overview
3. Overview
4. Overview
4. Overview
5. Overview
5. Overview
6. Overview/Oorsig
6. Overview/Oorsig
7. Overview
7. Overview
8. Memorial Cross
8. Memorial Cross