eGGSA Graves
Eastern Cape
Northern Cape
Western Cape
Unknown Location
Photograph Collections
Archive Documents
Family Bibles
Cape Archives Lists of Freeburgers
Hague Archives Lists of Freeburgers
Cape Town NGK 1655 to 1707
Newspaper Extracts
1820 Settler Correspondence
Church and Burial Records
Stellenbosh NGK 1688 to 1794
Passenger Lists
eGGSA Graves - Western Cape
Western Cape, CAPE TOWN, Urban area
Western Cape, CAPE TOWN, Bellville
Western Cape, CAPE TOWN, Bellville, Stikland cemetery
R - Vanne :: Surnames - R
7 albums , 119 images
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RAHL Cornelius 1912-1976 :: RAHL Coenie 1945-1983
RENSBURG Johannes Frederick, Janse van 1912- & Anna Wilhelmina LABUSCHAGNE 1915-1986
RENSBURG Mathinus Jacobus, Janse van 1934-1981 & Anna Christina Elizabeth GROENEWALD 1935-1981
ROSSOUW Daniel 1932-1977
ROSSOUW Marie Magritha nee CLAASEN 1903-1972 :: ROSSOUW Anna Theresa nee UYS 1941-1975
ROUX Christiaan W., le 1900-1974 & Aletta 1905-1993
ROUX Johannes Lodewyk, le 1927-1993 & Maria M.P. 1927-2003
RABBETS Lawrence Ralph 1904-1985 & Louise Johanna Wilhelmina FOOT 1911-1973
RABIE David J.S. 1910-1995 & Louise A. CARSTENS 1916-2002
RADEMAN Chris 1922-1972
RADEMAN Gideon 1930-2003
RADEMAN Magdalena 1929-1990
RADEMEYER Adriaan Nicholas 1918-1998 & Susanna HAASBROEK 1920-1997
RADYN Elizabeth 1917-1996
RADYN Hendrik Johannes Cloete 1920-1981 & Viola Cathleen 1929-1993
RALL Gert 1940-1973
RALL John Christoffel Thomas 1907-1974
RAS Francois J.A. 1912-1996 & Aletta Jacomina 1916-1993
RAS J.A.C. 1916-1987 & Johannes Stefina 1915-1985
RAUBAIX Izak Albert, de 1926-1994 & Elizabeth Maria 1927-1981
REDELINGHUYS Edward Peter 1923-1983
REDELINGHUYS Martyn 1960-1979
REDELINGHUYS Petrus Johannes 1893-1974 & Maria Margaretha MALAN 1898-1987
REINKE Helena S.M. 1905-1979
RENEN Petronella Adriana, van 1946-1993
RENSBURG Christiaan Jacobus, Janse van 1914-1973
RENSBURG Daniel J.G., Janse van 1912-1985 & Susanna D. 1913-1979
RENSBURG Dawid Benjamin, Janse van -1974 & Susanna Malan 19??
RENSBURG Frederik Johannes, J van 1902-1974 & Maria Magdalena BOUWER 1914-1994
RENSBURG G.M., Jansen van 1915-1973
RENSBURG Jacobus Barthlomeus, Janse van 1947-1993
RENSBURG Jacobus Hendrikus, Janse van 1905-1979 & Gerbrecht Susanna 1911-1987
RENSBURG Johan Willem, van 1897-1973
RENSBURG Maria E.C., J van nee JACKSON 1914-1985
RENSBURG Michiel, Janse van 1921-1985 & Josina SMITH 1920-1994
RENSBURG Philippus Rudolf, Janse van 1938-1994 & Maria Magdalena 1941-
RENSBURG Poppy, Janse van 1947-1979
RENSBURG Susanna Barbara, van nee DE ROUBAIX 1895-1972
RENTZKE Gerrit Van Wyk 1910-1972 & Paulina VAN ZYL 1905-1993
RETIEF Frederick Willem 1924-1973
RETIEF Japie 1885-1974
RETIEF Paul Johannes 1903-1972 & Ruth Beatrice 1916-1973
RETIEF Paul Johannes 1918-1987
RETIEF Pieter 1907-1974 & Wilhelmina VENTER 1910-1982
REYNEKE John Linde 1943-1993
RHEEDER Gottfried Jacob 1910-1973
RHEEDER Louis A.H. 1911-1974 & Susanna H.C. 1914-1999
Gallery Index
Western Cape, AGULHAS, Urban area
Western Cape, ALBERTINIA, Urban area
Western Cape, ARNISTON, Urban area
Western Cape, AURORA, Urban area
Western Cape, BAARDSKEERDERSBOS, Urban area
Western Cape, BARRYDALE, Urban area
Western Cape, BEAUFORT-WEST, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, BEAUFORT-WEST, Urban area
Western Cape, BETTY'S BAY, Urban area
Western Cape, BITTERFONTEIN, Urban area
Western Cape, BONNIEVALE, Urban area
Western Cape, BOTRIVER / BOTRIVIER, Urban area
Western Cape, BREDASDORP district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, BREDASDORP, Urban area
Western Cape, BRENTON-ON-SEA, Urban area
Western Cape, CALEDON district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, CALEDON, Urban area
Western Cape, CALITZDORP district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, CALITZDORP, Urban area
Western Cape, CAPE TOWN, Maitland cemeteries
Western Cape, CAPE TOWN, Urban area
Western Cape, CERES district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, CERES, Urban area
Western Cape, CITRUSDAL, Urban area
Western Cape, CLANWILLIAM district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, CLANWILLIAM, Urban area
Western Cape, DANA BAY / DANABAAI, Urban area
Western Cape, DARLING, Urban area
Western Cape, DE DOORNS, Urban area
Western Cape, DE RUST, Urban area
Western Cape, DORINGBAAI, Urban area
Western Cape, EENDEKUIL, Urban area
Western Cape, ELANDSBAAI, Urban area
Western Cape, FRANSCHHOEK, Urban area
Western Cape, FRANSKRAAL, Urban area
Western Cape, GANSBAAI, Urban area
Western Cape, GENADENDAL, Urban area
Western Cape, GEORGE district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, GEORGE, Urban area
Western Cape, GORDON'S BAY / GORDONSBAAI, Urban area
Western Cape, GOUDA, Urban area
Western Cape, GOURITSMOND, Urban area
Western Cape, GRAAFWATER, Urban area
Western Cape, GRABOUW, Urban area
Western Cape, GREYTON, Urban area
Western Cape, GROOT-BRAKRIVIER, Urban area
Western Cape, HARTENBOS, Urban area
Western Cape, HEIDELBERG district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, HEIDELBERG, Urban area
Western Cape, HERBERTSDALE, Urban area
Western Cape, HERMANUS district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, HERMANUS, Urban area
Western Cape, HERMON, Urban area
Western Cape, HEROLD, Urban area
Western Cape, HEROLDS BAY, Urban area
Western Cape, HOPEFIELD district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, HOPEFIELD, Urban area
Western Cape, JONGENSFONTEIN, Urban area
Western Cape, KEURBOOMSTRAND, Urban area
Western Cape, KLAARSTROOM, Urban area
Western Cape, KLAWER, Urban area
Western Cape, KLEIN BRAK RIVER & REEBOK, Urban area
Western Cape, KLEINMOND, Urban area
Western Cape, KNYSNA district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, KNYSNA, Urban area
Western Cape, KOEKENAAP, Urban area
Western Cape, LADISMITH district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, LADISMITH, Urban area
Western Cape, LAINGSBURG district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, LAINGSBURG, Urban area
Western Cape, LAMBERTS BAY, Urban area
Western Cape, LANGEBAAN, Urban area
Western Cape, LEEU GAMKA, Urban area
Western Cape, LEIPOLDTVILLE, Urban area
Western Cape, LUTZVILLE, Urban area
Western Cape, MALMESBURY district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, MALMESBURY, Urban area
Western Cape, MAMRE, Urban area
Western Cape, McGREGOR, Urban area
Western Cape, MERWEVILLE, Urban area
Western Cape, MONTAGU district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, MONTAGU, Urban area
Western Cape, MOORREESBURG district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, MOORREESBURG, Urban area
Western Cape, MOSSEL BAY / MOSSELBAAI district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, MOSSEL BAY, Urban area
Western Cape, MURRAYSBURG district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, MURRAYSBURG, Urban area
Western Cape, NAPIER, Urban area
Western Cape, NUWERUS, Urban area
Western Cape, ONRUSRIVIER, Urban area
Western Cape, OUDTSHOORN district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, OUDTSHOORN, Urban area
Western Cape, PAARL district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, PAARL, Urban area
Western Cape, PAPENDORP, Urban area
Western Cape, PATERNOSTER, Urban area
Western Cape, PEARLY BEACH, Urban area
Western Cape, PHILADELPHIA, Urban area
Western Cape, PIKETBERG district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, PIKETBERG, Urban area
Western Cape, PLETTENBERG BAY, Urban area
Western Cape, PORTERVILLE, Urban area
Western Cape, PRINCE ALBERT district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, PRINCE ALBERT, Urban area
Western Cape, PRINCE ALFRED HAMLET, Urban area
Western Cape, PRINGLE BAY, Urban area
Western Cape, RAWSONVILLE, Urban area
Western Cape, REDELINGHUYS, Urban area
Western Cape, RIEBEEK-KASTEEL, Urban area
Western Cape, RIEBEEK-WES, Urban area
Western Cape, RIVERSDALE / RIVERSDAL district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, RIVERSDALE, Urban area
Western Cape, RIVIERSONDEREND, Urban area
Western Cape, ROBERTSON district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, ROBERTSON, Urban area
Western Cape, SALDANHA, Urban area
Western Cape, SEDGEFIELD, Urban area
Western Cape, SIR LOWRY'S PASS, Urban area
Western Cape, SOMERSET-WEST district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, SOMERSET-WEST, Urban area
Western Cape, ST HELENA BAY, Urban area
Western Cape, STANFORD, Urban area
Western Cape, STELLENBOSCH district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, STELLENBOSCH, Urban area
Western Cape, STILBAAI, Urban area
Western Cape, STOMPNEUSBAAI, Urban area
Western Cape, STRAND, Urban area
Western Cape, STRANDFONTEIN, Urban area
Western Cape, STRUISBAAI, Urban area
Western Cape, SWELLENDAM district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, SWELLENDAM, Urban area
Western Cape, TOUWS RIVER, Urban area
Western Cape, TRAWAL, Urban area
Western Cape, TULBAGH district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, TULBAGH, Urban area
Western Cape, UNIONDALE district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, UNIONDALE, Urban area
Western Cape, VAN WYKSDORP, Urban area
Western Cape, VANRHYNSDORP district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, VANRHYNSDORP, Urban area
Western Cape, VELDDRIF, Urban area
Western Cape, VICTORIA BAY, Urban area
Western Cape, VILLIERSDORP, Urban area
Western Cape, VLEESBAAI, Urban area
Western Cape, VREDENBURG district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, VREDENBURG, Urban area
Western Cape, VREDENDAL district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, VREDENDAL, Urban area
Western Cape, WELLINGTON, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, WELLINGTON, Urban area
Western Cape, WILDERNESS, Urban area
Western Cape, WITSAND, Urban area
Western Cape, WOLSELEY, Urban area
Western Cape, WORCESTER district, Rural (farm cemeteries)
Western Cape, WORCESTER, Urban area
Western Cape, YZERFONTEIN, Urban area
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