2015-01-05 5 images Share: , ,
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Maitland No. 2. Plot 57900 A. In Loving........... Our Dear Parents James Mc Cree. Died 23rd June 1909 Aged 48 Charlotte Mc Cree. Died 4th March 1948. Aged 86 Mary Bunkle (Bunnell?). Died 11th October 1918. Aged 32 Archibald Mc Cree. Died 9th August 1927. Aged 38 Information received from Mrs Cheryl Stoner (nee Martin)
1. Overview on the grave before the cleanup
1. Overview on the grave before the cleanup
2. Overview on the grave after the cleanup
2. Overview on the grave after the cleanup
3. Memorial record C. McCREE -1948
3. Memorial record C. McCREE -1948