Western Cape, GEORGE, Blanco, Maitland Street cemetery (3)

2023-07-05 18 albums , 197 images Share: , ,
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Cemetery information:- This cemetery is on the right, just past Mont Fleur Mountain Estate, as you drive Northwards with Maitland Street, out of town. Most of the headstones were photographed, but many were badly damaged and overturned. Album incomplete, still in use.

eGGSA captions by: Kokkie Duminy, Fern Swales & George Crewe

The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery Transcript Project only has information on the cemetery location. Cemetery ID: 7528 Google Earth Cemetery Initiative Information:- GPSID: 9065 GPS: -33 56.398, 22 24.344

JANSEN Jerome 1982-2011
JANSEN Jerome 1982-2011
JANTJIES Jay-Den Rowan 2006-2006
JANTJIES Jay-Den Rowan 2006-2006
JONCK Blanche Christina 1914-1993
JONCK Blanche Christina 1914-1993
JONCK Theunis Johannes 1916-1980 & Jeanette 1920-2012
JONCK Theunis Johannes 1916-1980 & Jeanette 1920-2012
JONCK Thomas ?-?
JONCK Thomas ?-?
JONKER Susara Salomiena nee CLAASSEN 1882-1959
JONKER Susara Salomiena nee CLAASSEN 1882-1959
JORDAAN Daniel 1898-1979 & Anna Maria 1912-1997
JORDAAN Daniel 1898-1979 & Anna Maria 1912-1997
KIEWIET Bernard 1953-2002
KIEWIET Bernard 1953-2002
KIRBY Dorothia Adriaan nee VOSLOO 1953-1996
KIRBY Dorothia Adriaan nee VOSLOO 1953-1996
KOTZE Elizabeth Nellie 1919-2005
KOTZE Elizabeth Nellie 1919-2005
KRIEL Johanna Jacoba 1941-2019
KRIEL Johanna Jacoba 1941-2019
KUYLER George F. 1902-1985 & Sophia E. 1922-2011
KUYLER George F. 1902-1985 & Sophia E. 1922-2011
LAKY Richard 1960-2021
LAKY Richard 1960-2021
LAMONT Joseph 1907-1986 & Wilhelmina 1913-1999
LAMONT Joseph 1907-1986 & Wilhelmina 1913-1999
LAMPRECHT Alfeus 1945-2005 & Emmerentia Wilhelmina 1942-
LAMPRECHT Alfeus 1945-2005 & Emmerentia Wilhelmina 1942-
LAMPRECHT Benjamin Biggersteth 1929-1991
LAMPRECHT Benjamin Biggersteth 1929-1991
LAMPRECHT Dirk 1887-1956
LAMPRECHT Dirk 1887-1956
LAMPRECHT Dirkie 1942-2000
LAMPRECHT Dirkie 1942-2000
LAMPRECHT Lenie 1936-2001
LAMPRECHT Lenie 1936-2001
LAMPRECHT M.J. 1929-1979 & B.S.M. 1930-2020
LAMPRECHT M.J. 1929-1979 & B.S.M. 1930-2020
LAMPRECHT M.J. van Zyl 1904-1986
LAMPRECHT M.J. van Zyl 1904-1986
LAMPRECHT Nellie nee TERBLANCHE 1891-1975
LAMPRECHT Nellie nee TERBLANCHE 1891-1975
LAMPRECHT S.C.M.M. 1906-2000
LAMPRECHT S.C.M.M. 1906-2000
LAMPRECHT Theuns 1943-1992
LAMPRECHT Theuns 1943-1992
LAWS Mervyn Raymond 1956-2019 & Eveline 1959-2017
LAWS Mervyn Raymond 1956-2019 & Eveline 1959-2017
LEKAY Lenie 1953-2019
LEKAY Lenie 1953-2019
LINGENFELDER Petrus 1928-1999
LINGENFELDER Petrus 1928-1999
MACKAY John Wilhelm 1934-2016 & Rosina 1937-2003
MACKAY John Wilhelm 1934-2016 & Rosina 1937-2003
MALANDU Hayley Caileen 1997-2009
MALANDU Hayley Caileen 1997-2009
MARITZ Jeandre 1989-2006
MARITZ Jeandre 1989-2006
MARX Esra 1948-1991
MARX Esra 1948-1991
MATTHEUS Stephanus 1926-2008
MATTHEUS Stephanus 1926-2008
MCCARTHY Rosemary Pauline 1960-2017
MCCARTHY Rosemary Pauline 1960-2017
MCKAY Sofia Caterina 1962-2013
MCKAY Sofia Caterina 1962-2013
MCKAY Sofia Caterina 1962-2013
MCKAY Sofia Caterina 1962-2013
MEKILE George Afrika 1992-2022
MEKILE George Afrika 1992-2022
MEYER Jacob Folscher 1914-1971
MEYER Jacob Folscher 1914-1971
MEYER Jan Abraham 1917-1984
MEYER Jan Abraham 1917-1984
MICHAELS Elsie Gertruida nee OLKERS 1944-2014
MICHAELS Elsie Gertruida nee OLKERS 1944-2014