Western Cape, GEORGE, Blanco, Maitland Street cemetery (4)

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Cemetery information:- This cemetery is on the right, just past Mont Fleur Mountain Estate, as you drive Northwards with Maitland Street, out of town. Most of the headstones were photographed, but many were badly damaged and overturned. Album incomplete, still in use.

eGGSA captions by: Kokkie Duminy, Fern Swales & George Crewe

The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery Transcript Project only has information on the cemetery location. Cemetery ID: 7528 Google Earth Cemetery Initiative Information:- GPSID: 9065 GPS: -33 56.398, 22 24.344

MICHAELS Maria Magdalena 1932-2013
MICHAELS Maria Magdalena 1932-2013
MOHR Robert John 1944-1989
MOHR Robert John 1944-1989
MULLER Justus Raymond 1921-1975
MULLER Justus Raymond 1921-1975
MULLER M.P. 1911-1964
MULLER M.P. 1911-1964
MULLER Tyrone 1952-2006
MULLER Tyrone 1952-2006
NAIK Kenneth 1935-2008 & Rhoda 1938-2006
NAIK Kenneth 1935-2008 & Rhoda 1938-2006
NOMDOE Benjamin 1934-2013
NOMDOE Benjamin 1934-2013
NORTIER Sagie 1934-1994
NORTIER Sagie 1934-1994
NORTJE Helen 1929-2002
NORTJE Helen 1929-2002
NORTJE Peregrine Sydney 1922-2001
NORTJE Peregrine Sydney 1922-2001
OHLSON Jennifer Selina nee ROELFSE 1966-2000
OHLSON Jennifer Selina nee ROELFSE 1966-2000
OLIVIER Ma? nee KOEN 1917-1992
OLIVIER Ma? nee KOEN 1917-1992
PETERSEN Rosina Georgina Rose 1918-2012
PETERSEN Rosina Georgina Rose 1918-2012
PIENAAR J.E. 189?-1956
PIENAAR J.E. 189?-1956
PIETERSEN Christina 1914-1975
PIETERSEN Christina 1914-1975
PLESSIS Paulina, du 1917-2003
PLESSIS Paulina, du 1917-2003
POTGIETER Annette 1937-2003
POTGIETER Annette 1937-2003
POTGIETER Jan Christoffel Petrus 1941-2001
POTGIETER Jan Christoffel Petrus 1941-2001
PREEZ Marinus, du 1950-1998
PREEZ Marinus, du 1950-1998
PRETORIUS Frederik 1920-1990
PRETORIUS Frederik 1920-1990
PRETORIUS Marthinus Wessel 1943-1997
PRETORIUS Marthinus Wessel 1943-1997
PRINS Jacobus 1929-1999 & Nellie 1930-2014
PRINS Jacobus 1929-1999 & Nellie 1930-2014
RENSBURG Adriaan, Jaanse van 1934-2000
RENSBURG Adriaan, Jaanse van 1934-2000
ROELFSE Nicoleen Rosemare 1967-2009
ROELFSE Nicoleen Rosemare 1967-2009
ROELFSE Paulina Augusta 1936-1999
ROELFSE Paulina Augusta 1936-1999
ROSSOUW Pieter Benjamin 1933-1989 & Ada Maria Jacoba 1927-2004
ROSSOUW Pieter Benjamin 1933-1989 & Ada Maria Jacoba 1927-2004
ROUX G.E.J. 1868-1954
ROUX G.E.J. 1868-1954
SAFERS Mildred 1941-2012
SAFERS Mildred 1941-2012
SCHOLTZ Leah Jacoba 1923-1998
SCHOLTZ Leah Jacoba 1923-1998
SCHOLTZ Theunis Johannes 1952-2015
SCHOLTZ Theunis Johannes 1952-2015
SCHUBERT Christian Friedrich 1908-1986
SCHUBERT Christian Friedrich 1908-1986
SEPTEMBER Mathews S. 1889-1977 & Alberta 1894-19??
SEPTEMBER Mathews S. 1889-1977 & Alberta 1894-19??
SPEELMAN Johanna Susanna 1925-2001
SPEELMAN Johanna Susanna 1925-2001
STANDER Christian J. 1913-1985 & Susanna J. 1919-2018
STANDER Christian J. 1913-1985 & Susanna J. 1919-2018
STANDER George Frederik 1934-2008
STANDER George Frederik 1934-2008
STANDER Johannes Jacobus 1890-1959
STANDER Johannes Jacobus 1890-1959
STANDER M.E. 1907-1959 :: STANDER J.F. 1951-1966
STANDER M.E. 1907-1959 :: STANDER J.F. 1951-1966
STANDER Sophia Magdalena 1896-1987
STANDER Sophia Magdalena 1896-1987