Western Cape, GEORGE, York Street, George South Main cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, we do not have photographs of all the headstones in the cemetery.
Photographs by Adele Pienaar, Douglas Ewan, Amy Griffiths, Alta Griffiths, Tanite Smart, Louis Botha, Peter Kirkman, Ilse de Kock, Christopher Fitchet
eGGSA captions by: Lorraine Beechey, Risanti Saris, Eileen de Jager, Glen Swemmer, Liesel de Beer, Nicky Findlay, Aret Smitsdorff, Gillian Mauchan, Willemine J Lieuwes, Kenneth Knight, Heleen Nel, Andries Holtzhausen, Terry Terblanche, Fern Swales, Lisa Botes, Kokkie Duminy, Arlene Leggat, James Anderson, George Crewe, Marthelene Buckle, Rob Jones
The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information on the location of the cemetery Cemetery ID: 3494 Google Earth Project Information:- GPSID: 4175 GPS: -33 59 10.68, 22 26 40.40