Western Cape, LADISMITH district, Anysberge, Wilgerivier 15_2, Fonteinskloof, farm cemetery

2021-07-21 3 images Share: , ,
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Cemetery information:- Album complete.

Photographs by Peter & Suzette Silbernagl

eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD/ Cemetery Transcript Project only has information on the cemetery location. Cemetery ID: 4411 Google Earth Cemetery Initiative Information:- GPSID: GPS: -33 33.450, 20 41.633

1. Overview / Oorsig
1. Overview / Oorsig
CRAFFORD Christoffel Frederick 1892-1965
CRAFFORD Christoffel Frederick 1892-1965
CRAFFORD Jacoba Magdalena nee DU TOIT 1887-1960
CRAFFORD Jacoba Magdalena nee DU TOIT 1887-1960