Western Cape, MURRAYSBURG, Urban area / Western Cape, MURRAYSBURG, Main cemetery / (3 of 7 images)
Album information:- Album complete at the time of photographing in Sept 2016, but the cemetery is still in use.
Photographs by Paul Brien, Martie du Toit, Francois van Niekerk, Dirk van Heerden & Christopher Fitchet
eGGSA captions by Maureen Rawlins, Lorraine Beechey, Johann Müller, Gail Röthlin, Magda Alberts, Alex van Niekerk, Eileen de Jager, Annette Meyer, Ken Garvie, Dal Good & James Anderson.
Additional information available on the GGSA Cemetery DVD:- Cemetery ID: 3188 Number of names: (Burial Register) 941 Google Earth Project Information:- GPSID: 3797 GPS: -31 57.878, 23 45.431
3. Overview / Oorsig
contributed by: Dirk van Heerden
viewed 340 times