Western Cape, MALMESBURY, New (Main) cemetery (3)
Cemetery information:-
Album incomplete, not all the headstones were photographed.
eGGSA captions by: Annatjie Erasmus, Lorraine Beechey, Annemie Lourens, Magda Alberts, James Anderson, Fern Swales, Ilma Lucht.
The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information on the location of the cemetery
Cemetery ID: 6194
Information submitted by: Arnoldus Bestbier
Google Earth Project Information:-
GPSID: 7398
GPS: -33 28.498, 18 43.432
JONGH Katharina, de nee BRANDT 1939-1988
JONGH Maria Johanna Catharina, de nee PRINS 1940-2008
JORDAAN Jacobus 1990-1992
JULIES Aubriaan Zayne 1991-2022
KELLERMAN F.J.S. 1912-1992 & Johanna C. 1917-2001
KOEGELENBERG Jasper Johannes 1918-1985
KOTZE Albert J. 1908-1988 & Jacoba J.H. LOUW 1911-1984
KOTZÉ Dirk J.H. 1910-1990 & Elizabeth C.M. VAN ZYL 1909-1995
KOTZE Frans Jacobus Hendrik 1916-1990 & Elsie Gertruida Petronella LIEBENBERG 1914-1985
LAING Jan Johannes Albertus 1916-1983 & Helena Hendrika 1919-2012
LAMBRECHTS Bennie Barend Jacobus 1925-1985
LAMBRECHTS Susanna Katherine 1941-2014
LAUBSCHER H.G. 1980-2010
LAUBSCHER Jacobus Andries 1905-1986 & Ellie Johanna Jacoba 1905-1995
LESCH Laurie Johannes 1958-1978
LESCH Laurie Johannes 1921-1983 & Magdalena Johanna BINNEMAN 1926-2019
LEWIS Reginald E.J. 1939-1996 & Clarena Raphela Viola 1935-2020
LI Chenghui 1979-2013
LILL Jacob Jacobus Koos, van 1918-2002 & Jacobmina Francina Gysberta BRAND 1926-2004
LINTVELT Izak Jacobus 1931-1984 & Maria Magdalena 1932-2016
LOMBARD Jan Hendrik Hofmeyer 1942-1985
LOMBARD Stephanus Gerhardus 19??-19?? & Catharina Wilhelmina 1920-2007
LOOTS H.J. 1935-2020
LOTTER Anne Mary nee MORRIS 1925-1992 :: LOTTER Peter 1951-2013 :: LOTTER Ronelle 1953-2023
LOUBSER Alida M. 1938-2021
LOUBSER Dirk Jacobus 1961-1981
LOUBSER Marius 1969-2007
LOUBSER Pieter Abraham 1909- 1992 & Talitha Kumi NEL 1921-1997
LOURENS Hendrik 1932-2011
LOURENS Lenie nee SMIT 1937-2009
LOURENS Matthys Johannes 1939-1985 & Anna Isabella 1943-2014
LOUW Cornelis Albertus 1911-1996 & Elizabeth Margaretha 1913-2003
LOUW Joachim Paul 1920-1987 & Gerbrecht Christina Elizabeth 1923-1991
LOUW Lambertus Petrus Johannes 1912-1988 & Margaretha Ann D'ALMEIDA 1919-2007 :: COETZER Sarah Margaretha nee LOUW 1945-1989
LOUW Tobias Christiaan 1912-1984 & Catharina Margaretha 1921-2014
MARAIS Cornelius 1923-1999 & Johanna Christina Arnoldina 1925-2012
MATTHEE Daniel G. 1929-1987 & Martha S. 1936-2008
MENTZ Louis 1928-1987 & Jeanetta 1926-2006
MERWE Charl George, van der 1952-2003
MERWE Wilhelmina, van der nee VAN RENSBURG 1964-2012