Western Cape, MOORREESBURG district, Beesjesfontyn 340, Bittersfontein farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Annemie Lourens & Wilna Eygelaar. The GGSA...

Western Cape, MOORREESBURG district, Gousblomskraal 334, Gousblomkraal, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album completeness unknown. eGGSA captions by: Rob Jones The GGSA Cemetery DVD/...

Western Cape, MOORREESBURG district, Karringmelksvlei, farm cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, we do not have photographs of all the headstones. eGGSA captions by:...

Western Cape, MOORREESBURG district, Koringberg, Hooggelegen 329, Hooggelee farm cemetery_2
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Alex van Niekerk. Information also available on the...

Western Cape, MOORREESBURG district, Koringberg, town cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, still in use. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD...

Western Cape, MOORREESBURG district, Misverstand 333 farm, single memorial
Grafsteeninligting:- Isak Bosman skryf: 'Die stamvader van die Hougaard-familie is op die plaas Misverstand in die...