Western Cape, MOSSEL BAY district, Herbertsdale, Langfontein 109_1, Lenhof, farm cemetery

2010-05-22 5 images Share: , ,
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Cemetery information:- Album complete, all the headstones in the cemetery were photograhed. eGGSA captions by: Eileen de Jager, Magda Alberts and Wilna Eygelaar. The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information on the location of the cemetery Cemetery ID: 3533 Information submitted by: Boet Saayman Google Earth Project Information:- GPSID: 4219 GPS: -33 59.294, 21 46.551
1. Entrance to the farm Lenhof in the Herbertsdale district
1. Entrance to the farm Lenhof in the Herbertsdale district
2. Overview on the cemetery
2. Overview on the cemetery
CLAASSEN Nicolaas 1865-1913
CLAASSEN Nicolaas 1865-1913
CLAASSEN Nicolaas 1865-1913
CLAASSEN Nicolaas 1865-1913