Western Cape, PAARL, Lutheran Church, St Petri, Friedhof private cemetery
Cemetery information:- Photos were taken of all the graves with stones up to March 2009. The cemetery is still being...

Western Cape, PAARL, NG Kerk Noorder-Paarl, cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete, all the headstones were photographed in the cemetery. eGGSA captions by...

Western Cape, PAARL, NG Kerk Suider-Paarl, Muur van herdenking
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, still in use. Updated in 2019. eGGSA captions by: Annette Meyer, James...

Western Cape, PAARL, NG Strooidakkerk, church yard
Cemetery information:- Album complete. Photographs by Alta Griffiths, Tanite Smart, Garrett de Villiers,...

Western Cape, PAARL, Non Pareille Street, Malay cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. All the headstones with inscriptions on were photographed. eGGSA...

Western Cape, PAARL, Old Hof Street, cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete, all the graves where photographed. eGGSA captions done by: Alta...

Western Cape, PAARL, Paarlberg, Afrikaanse Taalmonument / Language monument, Memorial
Memorial information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Western Cape, PAARL, Parys main cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete. eGGSA captions by: Andrié Labuschagne, Dal Good, Heleen Nel, Johann...

Western Cape, PAARL, St Stephen Anglican Church, memorial
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: Dal Good & Alex van Niekerk The GGSA Cemetery...