BEYERS C.F. 1826-1873

Information by Mariette de Wit The descriptive name on the gravestone BEYERS J.M. 1826-1873 is wrong. JM BEYERS is the brother of CF BEYERS - CHISTIAAN FREDERIK (Ou Baas) BEYERS born 2 JUNE 1826, died 10 SEPTEMBER 1873 1826 should actually be 1825 Birth: June 2 1825 Baptism: July 17 1825 Ref: Van Erfurt na die Kaap. Grepe uit die Geskiedenis van die Beyers-Familie deur Annie Hofmeyr en 'n Geslagsregister deur Joh. van der Bijl
contributed by: Alta Griffiths
viewed 494 times
BEYERS C.F. 1826-1873