HALSE Fred 1886-1932

His full name was Frederick Halse. He was born on 18 January 1886, but the d.o.b. is not stated on the tombstone. The reference to 1914-1918 is of course to the First World War. He was gassed in the trenches, invalided out and eventually died (aged 46) in 1932 from the phosgene gas poisoning. The crest at the top of the tombstone is that of The Cambridgeshire Regiment, in which he served. The grave immediately behind his is that of his father, Walter P Halse, who died 6 months later, having by then lost both his 2 sons to the War. (Information by Chris Halse)
contributed by: Chris Halse
viewed 72 times
HALSE Fred 1886-1932