MOSSOLOW Nikolai 1910-1988

Nicolai MOSSOLOW was a prominent member of the Russian community of SWA. Later in 1980s, his family moved to Somerset-West. MOSSOLOW was a son of colonel Constantine MOSSOLOW of the Imperial Army Headquarters (1866-1924) and Xenia Vladimirovna BOSSE (2nd husband Mr MERTENs, a karakul sheep farmer in SWA) (1886-1972). Nicolai studied history of arts and anthropology in Italy and Germany but left Europe for SWA when he saw that the war is inevitable. He stayed for the rest of his life in that land. And you can find quite a number of his articles and even books on the history of SWA on the Internet and in SA libraries. MOSSOLOW was a very gifted and educated man feeling a bit forlorn and marginal in the Southern Africa, so far away from Europe that he loved. Comment received from Boris Gorelik on 10 Aug 2008
contributed by: Alta Griffiths
viewed 1543 times
MOSSOLOW Nikolai 1910-1988