3. Plaque denoting the Church history
"Hierdie kerk is in 1849 deur die familie Barry gebou toe Port Beaufort n florerende seehawe was vir skepe van die Port Beaufortse Handelmaatskappy (later Barry en Neefs) wat van 1825 tot 1882 gereeld tussen Kaapstad, Port Beaufort en Malagas gevaar het.
Opgerig deur die Historiese Monument-Kommissie"
"This Church was built by the Barry Family in 1849 when Port Beaufort was a flourishing port for ships of the Port Beaufort Trading Company (later Barry and Nephews) which plied regularly between Cape Town, Port Beaufort and Malagas from 1825 to 1882.
Erected by the Historical Monuments Commission."
contributed by: Lizette Svoboda
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