Western Cape, WORCESTER, De Wet Cemetery, Gate 1
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, photos out of focus were deleted. eGGSA captions by: Alta...

Western Cape, WORCESTER, De Wet Cemetery, Gate 2, NG Kerk
Cemetery information:- Photos were taken of certain section in the cemetery. If you come in at the gate:- * all...

Western Cape, WORCESTER, De Wet Cemetery, Gate 3, Crematorium
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, not all the plaques were photographed. eGGSA captions by: Annatjie...

Western Cape, WORCESTER, De Wet Cemetery, Gate 4, St James the Great Anglican Church
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, this is a big section, we only took a few photos of the graves closer to...

Western Cape, WORCESTER, De Wet Cemetery, Gate 5, Italian Prisoners of War
Cemetery information:- This part of the cemetery is refer to as the Prisoners of War. We have not photographed any...

Western Cape, WORCESTER, De Wet Cemetery, Gate 6, German section
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, we have not photographed all the graves in this section. eGGSA captions...