Begraafplase in die Weskaap / Graveyards in the Western Cape
Unless otherwise stated in each album, assume that the pictures represent only a personal selection by the photographer.
Afrikaans surnames have been filed under the main part of the surname, ie. RENSBURG, Jansen van :: PLESSIS, du.

Western Cape, SOMERSET-WEST, Urban area
Somerset-West falls under the magisterial district Somerset-West, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:...

Western Cape, STANFORD, Urban area
Stanford falls under the magisterial district of Hermanus. For farm cemeteries in the area refer to:- Western Cape,...

Western Cape, STELLENBOSCH, Urban area
Stellenbosch falls under the magisterial district Stellenbosch, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western...

Western Cape, STILBAAI, Urban area
Stilbaai falls under the magisterial district Riversdale, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western Cape,...

Western Cape, STOMPNEUSBAAI, Urban area
Stompneusbaai falls under the magisterial district Vredenburg, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western...

Western Cape, STRANDFONTEIN, Urban area
Strandfontein falls under the magisterial district Vredendal, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western...

Western Cape, STRUISBAAI, Urban area
Struisbaai falls under the magisterial district Bredasdorp, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western...

Western Cape, SWELLENDAM, Urban area
Swellendam falls under the magisterial district Swellendam, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western...

Western Cape, TOUWS RIVER, Urban area
Touws River / Touwsrivier falls under the magisterial district Worcester, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:...

Western Cape, TRAWAL, Urban area
Trawal falls under the magisterial district Vredendal, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western Cape,...

Western Cape, TULBAGH, Urban area
Tulbagh falls under the magisterial district Tulbagh, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western Cape,...

Western Cape, UNIONDALE, Urban area
Uniondale falls under the magisterial district Uniondale, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western Cape,...

Western Cape, VAN WYKSDORP, Urban area
Vanwyksdorp falls under the magisterial district Ladismith, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western...

Western Cape, VANRHYNSDORP, Urban area
Vanrhynsdorp falls under the magisterial district Vanrhynsdorp, for farm cemeteries in the vacinity refer to:- Western...

Western Cape, VELDDRIF, Urban area
Velddrif falls under the magisterial district Piketberg. For farm vicinity, please refer to:- Western Cape, PIKETBERG...

Western Cape, VILLIERSDORP, Urban area
Villiersdorp falls under the magisterial district Caledon, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western Cape,...

Western Cape, VREDENBURG, Urban area
Vredenburg falls under the magisterial district Vredenburg, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western...

Western Cape, VREDENDAL, Urban area
Vredendal falls under the magisterial district Vredendal, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western Cape,...

Western Cape, WELLINGTON, Urban area
Welllington falls under the magisterial district Wellington, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity refer to:- Western...

Western Cape, WILDERNESS, Urban area
The Wilderness falls under the magisterial district of George. For farm cemeteries in the area refer to Western Cape,...

Western Cape, WITSAND, Urban area
Witsand falls under the magisterial district Bredasdorp, for farm cemeteries in the vicinity see:- Western Cape,...