Western Cape, RIVERSDALE / RIVERSDAL district, Rural (farm cemeteries) / Western Cape, RIVERSDALE district, Mullershoop 106, Melkhoutessenbosch, farm cemetery / (5 of 7 images)
Album inligting:- Dorings..dorings..! Hierdie besonderse grafte is langs die Langeberg waar Gouritsrivier deur die berg vloei naby POORT WYNE. Herbertsdale kant van Gourits rivier op die plaas MELKHOUTESSENBOSCH. Die eienaar Anton Muller. Daar is 'n fontein langs die ou kerkhof. Die twee RAUTENBACH grafte se grafskrif lees van agter af, dws jy moet agter die koppent staan om die grafskrif te lees. Daar is ook 'n aantal ongemerkte grafte, met klip merkers. Album complete, all the headstones with inscriptions were photographed. eGGSA captions by: Tobie de Villiers. The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information on the location of the cemetery Cemetery ID: 3124 Information submitted by: Boet Saayman Google Earth Project Information:- GPSID: 3729 GPS: -33 58.615, 21 40.788
3. Farm house
contributed by: Boet Saayman
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